Sarv introduces its first Tyre Mount Demount Tool Kit for Motorcycle Tubeless Tyres (220203).
Contains 3 Sturdy Tyre Levers designed to mount/demount the tyre without damaging the motorcycle rims. Extremely easy to use, this kit simplifies your operation to manually mount or demount a motorcycle tyre.
The Kit Contains :
1) Tyre Lever 220404 – 3 Nos. |
2) Rubber Mallet to break the bead 220430 – 1 No. |
3) Ventifix with revolving Nozzle 330043- 1 No. |
4) Valve Core Screw Driver 330002 – 1 No. |
5) Tyre Grease 2200120 – 1 No. |
6) Brush 220515 – 1 No. |
7) Duster D0015 – 1 No. |
8) Bag 220302 – 1 No. |
“DIY” Steps to Mount and Demount a Motorcycle Tubeless Tyre with Tyre Levers.

Deflate the tyre complete by removing the valve core from the motorcycle valve with the help of a screw driver.

Break the bead with the help of rubber mallet.

Apply Tyre paste between the rim and the bead with the help of the provided brush to lubricate and soften the bead to make the mounting process easier.

Insert 1 “Demounting” Side of the Tyre Lever between the rim and bead and subsequently 2nd tyre lever to force the bead above the rim.

Similarly force the bead out of the rim for the entire tyre on one particular side of the rim.

Invert the rim. Insert a tyre lever between the rim and bead. With the help of mechanical pressure from the tyre lever and hands of the operator, the tyre complete slides off the rim.

Place the tyre over the rim and apply pressure so that it sits over it.

Insert the “mounting” side of the tyre lever between the rim and the tyre bead. Apply pressure.

Insert another lever in the same way and apply pressure to push the top bead of the tyre in the rim flange.
Insert the third tyre lever as shown in the picture and apply pressure to mount the remaining bead over the rim flange.

Mounting complete ????
To have a complete look at the video, kindly visit https://youtu.be/ZL8AsGixfbE
To order your Manual Mount Demount Tool Kit for Motorcyle Tyres or to enquire about other SARV tools & Automotive Service Workshop Equipment from our complete range, write to us at info@garageequipments.com or visit our ONLINE STORE at garageequipments.com
For Exports write to us at info@sarveshwari.com or visit our website www.sarveshwari.com